Tuesday, September 05, 2006

With some nice ladies. Posted by Picasa

Prague castle and Charles Bridge at night! Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 04, 2006


Beginning of the Year

And it's back to school here in Pribram. Today is the first day of classes with students at school. Teachers had to be at school all of last week, but it was just for preparatory purposes. But students just had a quick meeting and then fled, so tomorrow I finally have my first class of the school year. I am ready to just get it started, we have been sitting around planning for it and thinking about it for so long that I just want to be doing some teaching. As for these pictures below, Pavla and Jirka took me to a neighboring town, Dobris, to visit a chateau last week. I had been to it before but wanted to see the gardens while the flowers were still colorful. Pavla enjoys taking the pictures, and so explains my sequence of photos with Jirka. But the weather here certaily has been beautiful. And so begins another year in CZ...

Friday, September 01, 2006

The castle/chateau in Dobris. Posted by Picasa

Me at the gardens. Posted by Picasa

Pavla and me overlooking the gardens of the Dobris castle. Posted by Picasa

me and Jirka. Posted by Picasa

Swingers: Jirka and me. Posted by Picasa

Jirka, Me, and a statue of an animal. Posted by Picasa

Me, Jirka in front of Karl and Josef Capek's house. Posted by Picasa

Stacy, Kass Posted by Picasa

Ben and Andrew (teacher in Kralupy) at the ESI beginning of the year party. Posted by Picasa

Saying goodbye to my parents at the airport. Posted by Picasa

Andrew and I. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hiking. Posted by Picasa

At the waterfall. Posted by Picasa

Matt, Aaron, Me at training Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


The Summer of 2006

At long last I am back in the Czech Republic and able to update my blog again! For most of the months of July and August I was back in the United States seeing friends, family, new places and revisiting old ones. To give you a quick tour of my summer it involved making a few trips from my home in Urbana to visit friends in various reaches of Indiana, being in two weddings (both were just beautiful!), hosting a family reunion of my mother's side in Urbana, flying to LA to help train the new CZ teachers, driving to Alabama for a family vacation (minus Joel who was in Ethiopia this summer) and some time in the sun and Gulf, driving to Tempe, Arizona to move Daniel into ASU and see other friends in that area, hosting a couple friends that visited Urbana (thanks Dan and Jenny!), learning to ride a motorcycle, and finally flying back to the Czech Republic. I returned on Saturday. So if my summer could be summed up into one extremely long run-on sentence, that was it. The pictures below are select pictures from my experiences this past summer.
I am currently at school where I have internet and where teacher prep has started. We are preparing classes, lessons, and long term plans for this upcoming year. Things feel kind of back to normal, same teachers and same school as last year. The students will arrive on Monday. Stay posted for more summer pictures and beginning of the year photos.

A nice sunset in Alabama. Posted by Picasa

Daniel and I near Sedona, AZ. Posted by Picasa

Jenny and I. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 28, 2006

Me and Brian Berry. Posted by Picasa

My brother and me. Posted by Picasa

Sunset in Alabama. Posted by Picasa

Jon, me, and Phoenix/Tempe in the background. Posted by Picasa

Visiting my dad (in background) and his booth at Quad Day on the U of I quad. Posted by Picasa

The majority of the teachers for the 2006-2007 Czech team, though some teachers couldn't make it to this picture, sadly. Posted by Picasa

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