Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Svata Hora (Holy Mountain). Actually our school and flat are at the bottom of this mountain. This was built to worship Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Friday, September 16, 2005
Friday September 16
We just finished our second week of teaching! It is hard work, I am beginning to understand what this teaching life is all about. The first week was mainly introductions stuff, this second week we started on some real material. It is good to have an idea of where each class is going as opposed to just some introductory games. But I am teaching a few English classes, three English conversation classes, and four Biology in English classes. The students on a whole are respetful and well behaved. Of course there are a few that insist on talking at all the wrong times, but you will have that. My classes range from 11-16 students. I think at least. For some classes I do not have an official attendence list and so do not really know who is supposed to be in those classes, other than what the students tell me. I teach 21 separate periods each week, and spend the rest of my life lesson planning or learning through trial and error (mainly error) how to survive in the Czech Republic. We have made a few friends, Pavel and Lenka, Michael and Victoria, both couples from church, and Klara and Alex, our closest coworkers. Ok, must get a few more things done before I am kicked out of school (our only internet access point). So more to come soon...
We just finished our second week of teaching! It is hard work, I am beginning to understand what this teaching life is all about. The first week was mainly introductions stuff, this second week we started on some real material. It is good to have an idea of where each class is going as opposed to just some introductory games. But I am teaching a few English classes, three English conversation classes, and four Biology in English classes. The students on a whole are respetful and well behaved. Of course there are a few that insist on talking at all the wrong times, but you will have that. My classes range from 11-16 students. I think at least. For some classes I do not have an official attendence list and so do not really know who is supposed to be in those classes, other than what the students tell me. I teach 21 separate periods each week, and spend the rest of my life lesson planning or learning through trial and error (mainly error) how to survive in the Czech Republic. We have made a few friends, Pavel and Lenka, Michael and Victoria, both couples from church, and Klara and Alex, our closest coworkers. Ok, must get a few more things done before I am kicked out of school (our only internet access point). So more to come soon...

Me on a paddleboat on the Vltava River in Prague, I am facing the Charles Bridge which we are almost directly under.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The view out of our front window, if one is to hold the camera out the window and point towards the church steeple